

Proper Diet for Motocross Racers

18th May 2016

Motocross racing is said to be one of the toughest sports in the world. With rigid training and practice, a lot of thought and discipline is put into the motocross life. We have some tips here on the proper diet you should have as a motocross rider.

Proper Diet for Motocross Racers

Healthy eating is not limited to physical appearances. When it comes to motocross, your diet is a great factor that affects your overall race performance. This is why eating should not be all about looking skinny but should be about conditioning and balance.

Training exercise

Some daily form of exercise should be carried out to keep fit, even during slow or off-season days. Aerobic exercises are a good place to start in. Follow a program that’s designed by a certified trainer for better results and a routine that’s tailored to your physical needs.

Develop effective eating patterns

When it comes to your eating, developing an effective pattern is important. Make sure to follow the routine so that you’ll have a structured guideline throughout the day. This way, you will be able to keep watch over your consumption, helping you avoid overeating.

Rule of breakfast

Science has already shown that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make sure not to skimp on it. Also, keep in mind that eating in smaller portions helps you keep low energy density, which makes you less likely to overeat. Make sure to consume high energy foods to keep yourself full and avoid going overboard with food.

Keep yourself hydrated

Water is good for the skin and the immune system and is the medium through which most processes of the body take place. As a rider, it is very important to keep yourself hydrated at all times. About 2 to 3 liters is the recommended daily amount to be consumed. Make sure to drink more if you are constantly active and train a lot.

Avoid empty calories and add more fiber

Empty calories are those types of food that don’t contain any minerals and vitamins but plenty of calories. Examples of these include junk food, candies, alcohol, pop and others. To achieve a healthy balance in your diet, add more fiber-rich foods. By doing this, you will able to slow down your gastric emptying, which lessens appetite and helps keep your calorie intake under control.

Eat more fruits and vegetables for antioxidants

Lessen the risk of coronary heart disease by stocking up on antioxidants, which are found in vegetables and fruits. This will also help circulate cholesterol better and clean up free radicals that cause many major diseases.

Consult with a professional

Everyone has their own opinion on the best diet for motocross racers and athletes. Keep in mind that not all diets work with everybody as each person has different needs and requirements. To keep safe and make sure you get the best results, have a personal consultation with a qualified nutritionist or trainer who will tailor a specific diet plan to your needs.

Physical condition definitely factors in with your performance in any race. Conditioning and discipline are what it takes to become a really good rider, along with training and a great diet. Make sure you cover all these aspects as you continue with your motocross journey.